Non EU & UK Citizens
If you are not a citizen of EU or UK, and you want to acquire ownership of a property in Croatia, there could be certain limitations. Please find the country of which you are a citizen in, under each of the two lists you will find the rules that apply to your citizenship.
List 1:
Bosnien og Hercegovina (except distrikt Brcko), Brasil, Brunej, Canada, Crna Gora, Ecuador, Japan, Kazahstan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Makedonija, Moldova, Norway, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Paraguay, Russia, Republika Srpska, Srbija, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA.
If you are a citizen of one of the above countries, you will be able to obtain ownership of a property in Croatia as these countries have a 'reciprocity agreement' about freedom of trade in real estate, with Croatia.
Reciprocity does not include agricultural land or land that has not been laid out for construction. These can still only be owned by Croatian citizens and Croatian companies.
The same rule applies also to EU citizens.
In order to acquire ownership of a property in Croatia, you must be able to present:
- OIB (Croatian Tax number)
- Certificate of land use
- Certificate of reciprocity agreement
- Find full description of the purchase procedure here
- Information om taxes
- Why use Rebecca Real Estate Agency
List 2:
Citizens of the countries listed below can obtain ownership of property in Croatia - subject to special conditions.
Contact us for further information on telephone & mail:
Australia, Belarus, District Brcko, Chile, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, China, Korea, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Panama
- Find full description of the purchase procedure here
- Information om taxes
- Why use Rebecca Real Estate Agency
Unfortunately, nationals of countries which are not on one of the two lists are still unable to obtain ownership of property in Croatia.